La Bomba aka The Italian viagra…

I’ve been checking out some new books at the library before I purchase. I recently came across this one…Earth to Table: Seasonal Recipes from an Organic Farm

Though I’m completely behind the concept, I’m just about up to you know where with all the farm to table slogans. But the photos on this cover indeed caught my eye and hell, it’s free to have a look!

I like it so much I’ll probably buy it.

Earth to Table. Seasonal Recipes from an Organic Farm by Jeff Crump and Bettina Schormann

I’ve already several scraps of paper bookmarking recipes to try. Here’s the first…

The ingredients aren’t rocket science but try this recipe some weekend afternoon where you just want to chill out, chop and enjoy the zen of it all. It’s great as a spread on bread, sandwiches, tossed in pasta, on pizza and let me know what else you think of.

La Bomba: A Spicy Eggplant Condimento…Aka the Italian viagra… the eggplant is breaking a sweat.

2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
2 cups eggplant, finely diced (1 medium-large)
1 ½ cups fennel root, finely diced (1 small or ½ large bulb)
¾ cup roasted red peppers, finely diced
¾ cup white onion, finely diced (1 large)
½ cup green olives, drained, pitted and finely diced
½ cup artichoke hearts, finely diced (I used canned and only needed 2)
½ cup fresh cremini mushrooms, finely diced
3 large cloves garlic, minced
1/8-1/4  tsp cayenne pepper
¼ tsp smoked paprika
2 tbsp sherry vinegar
Salt & freshly ground black pepper to taste
½ cup fresh flat leaf/Italian parsley, chopped

Fresh vegetables…I used a portabello which is actually just an overgrown cremini. I also backed off a little from the garlic using 4 cloves for the double batch.

Green olives…

All the veggies are finely chopped.

This can take more time, I think, than the suggested 20 minutes so I said 30min plus. Saute in olive oil till softened.

Parsley chopped and sprinkled onto a cooled mixture…

I also doubled the recipe to share with some friends and have some on hand. I stored it in canning jars in the fridge.



20 responses

      • Have not made the beet cake yet….. working toward it.
        My awesome culinary skills have me whipping up some Mac’n’Cheese for my niece who is under the weather. We did have roasted beets several nights ago. They were delicious!


  1. Anything with artichoke, fennel root and olives yum! Looks delicious! The photos really pick out the beautiful colours, hmmmm yummmmm!

    I’m also repostng this here- did it on the about page but not sure where best to put it 😉

    Hi Wendy, I’ve nominated you for the Versatile Blogger award because I love all the stuff that you share on your blog! Do with it what you will, the post featuring you is below. Hope you enjoy reading the other nominees’ blogs too 🙂

    Frivolity and friendship (3) …with a facelift


  2. The Italian viagra? Now that is funny. And makes this even more worth making. But I seriously love this combo of vegetables. I’d eat this over pasta.


    • I have an overly cold fridge. I made a lot of this and it stayed good for weeks. I ate it on/with everything. I loved that cookbook too.


  3. Love your description of an Italian Viagra! Makes me chuckle with glee! Across the world men will suddenly be presented with beautiful breads piled high with these lovely flavours and they’ll be none the wiser! 😉


Thoughts, Comments, Questions ?