Grain free “Greens” pie and transitions

Quotations hug the word greens- just so you know it is not a green pie with an accidental s. It’s a nut crust stuffed with beet greens, green curly kale, lacinato kale, red russian kale, a fair amount of garlic, a little egg and a sprinkle of peppery goat cheese. Yes we do have a lot of kale in the garden.

greens pie 2014-6

A recent three day mini yoga workshop left me high on breath and thoughts. Trying to be present while practicing produces quite a large container full of ideas to be processed either drifting off to sleep at night or on an early waking morning with time to contemplate.Which means don’t reach for your phone. Let the mind percolate.

Taught by Christine at our local studio, Orcas Mandala, we had a two hour session each morning for three days. A morning of breaking down sun salutations and solar poses, followed by a morning of moon salutation and lunar poses, ending on the third day with yin and restorative poses (almost equal in yumminess to a morning of scones and tea in bed -really-). The point of it all, was understanding the little transitions say, within the sun salutation. And the transition say, of summer to fall. How to find balance between poses and to find balance on these windy days that pull the leaves right off their limbs. It’s a time of being a little unsettled and redirecting routines. Even this post is a little scattered – but I’m going to be ok with that:)

The farm reveals blocks of time that pass. With the garden, I think in terms of cycles. Here we were in May…

early spring garden-13

The new kids in the pasture…

early spring garden-2

And now inching towards late Sept we are days short of pulling up the jungle of summer veggies and covering beds.

Sept garden-3 Sept garden-5

This is a very busy time with harvest, processing and putting things to rest for some down time (like the holidays- HA). But at least the garden gets a rest. And it’s the back to school routine. I myself have to work on staying grounded. Weekend days my kitchen looks like this.

greens pie 2014-2

And this is not very grounding.

greens pie 2014-3

I’m canning, drying, making kraut and kombucha; juicing, smoothies, coffee or tea for the morning- a dish to take to the neighbor’s potluck, and what shall I do with the beets? More pickled? Do I have enough spices? Should I try to harvest the cherry tomatoes this afternoon? The partying fruit flies in the pear basket shout priority. How about let’s tack on making 100 mini cookies for a friend (smiles) on and on…

greens pie 2014-4

I must pat myself on the back for what I accomplish in the day vs what remains on the list. Last night after canning and drying pears and making this greens pie for the neighbor’s potluck and feeling a bit overwhelmed by the mess, I had to march myself upstairs and lie on the mat. A little back and forth over the foam roller, up and down my spine,  a couple of stretches and a few deep breaths. My mind settled in a matter of ten minutes. Remember, this advice comes from someone (me) who is no yogi guru but will attest to the benefits of my rekindled relationship with yoga. Go get em grasshopper. And then back down to the kitchen, minus the tension, to clean up before dinner. On to the pie…

This nut crust consisted of 2 cups of ground nut meal- which came from making almond milk. I finally tired of tossing organic nut meal to the chickens. The last few batches I dried in the dehydrator at about 125° for a couple hours, then whizzed it in the vitamix. And no, that pear has nothing to do with the pie.

greens pie 2014-5

So 2 cups almond meal, 1/2 cup of fresh ground walnuts, 1/3 cup coconut oil, a pinch of salt, 1 egg and about 1/4 cup of water. I mixed it by hand and pressed it into the pie dish. And don’t go expecting some light, flaky quiche crust because you will be sorely disappointed. This is a healthy, nutty and for sure tasty bottom to your greens.

greens pie 2014

The wads of greens came from the garden. Beet greens and chopped stems, 3 varieties of kale, 4 cloves of garlic, an overgrown green onion and a little salt. I’d call it a very big bowl full. These guys really cook down. I tossed in 4 eggs to help bind it a little. And I topped the pie with a little fresh goat cheese.

There’s no proper recipe here- that would probably delay this post another couple weeks. It’s here to perk your interest and give you something to work from.

greens pie 2014-7

Here’s to feet on the ground and peaceful moments in the mind as the wind blows.

Happy Fall.

And now for your four legged smile moment. Otis taking on cardboard…

Otis takes on cardboard-3Otis takes on cardboard-2Otis takes on cardboardOtis takes on cardboard-4Otis takes on cardboard-5

And I can’t resist adding this on- the goats new play thing. Building them solid blocks this fall is also on the list instead of makeshift furniture with no purpose.

Sept garden Sept garden-2

Officially the end.

16 responses

  1. I hate it when it’s the end of the animal photos. 🙂

    My goodness, life at your place is non-stop but what goodies you produce. This greens pie with its lovely nut base sounds really good.


    • I swear- I’m like the one who could watch funny animal videos all day! I think I’m going to go have to share the last goat one someone sent me right now.
      Whenever I feel a little tied down, I just run out there and remind myself of the payoff of all these darling critters! Love and seriously happy medicine.


  2. Pingback: Beets And Their Health Benefits | AnjumsList

  3. What an enviable life! I’d take stressing out over vegetables any day over stressing out in the office…but I guess that’s what all city slickers would say. I grew up on a farm so I do appreciate the hard labour involved. Still, it’s got to be healthier than sitting at my desk in the air conditioning all day! I don’t know what I’d do without yoga to soothe my tension either 🙂


    • I always wonder what that life would have looked like- the closest I got was phone sales for a 3 month stint at 20. That was horrible for many reasons! Even in my shop I’m moving around and interactive. I do really appreciate that fact.
      For some reason I had about a 10 year hiatus with yoga- and now I’m ready to quit the gym. It’s been a game changer for me.


  4. Kudos Wendy. Being a one-woman operation sustainable food business, I feel your knots. I keep my yoga mat rolled out on my office floor, and this reminds me to do those wee stretches every time I pass by. Never had the nerve for a bricks and mortar, yet from April ~ October I fill Baby 5 for the local farmer’s market trek, for the past fourteen seasons.
    Have a wonderful harvest. Love all your four-leggers. Diane


    • Hi Diane- Well fortunately I don’t feel completely alone in our food production- I get help from my husband, Ollie who often sweeps in and does the things I either don’t like or have become bored of!
      I loved doing farmer’s markets- the excitement of setting up, selling and interacting- outside. But it’s a lot of work too. cheers… wendy

      Liked by 1 person

    • I’m seriously worried about over-using that thing. I do my back like every night.
      And it has been busy but the rain is coming and I’m sort of looking forward to mostly shutting down the garden and just enjoying loads of kale and brussel sprouts… if they don’t get nailed by slugs:)


    • Thanks Merideth! I like what you have going on as well. Every once in a while we poke around outside of Seattle looking for a little land that’s closer to the city. Issaquah often pops up. I hope you find it to be a good fit. Let’s stay in touch- I think we share a lot of very similar feelings about life and priorities. cheers.. wendy


  5. Wendy, life looks great on Orcas Island! It looks so healthy! The animals are so cute, and the place looks fab. The pie looks yummy, and although a veg, will adapt it 🙂 xo _Resa


  6. Lovely to come and see what’s happening in your life. I’ve rekindled my association with yoga aswell, and just bounce my way back home after a class! Hmmmm I need to do some workshops too!
    Loving your pie idea with the nutty crust – perfect autumnal fodder.
    But most of all I like these words ” Which means don’t reach for your phone. Let the mind percolate.”


Thoughts, Comments, Questions ?