Raspberry Swirl Cheesecake Ice Cream

Cool off with a little fresh raspberry swirl cheesecake ice cream!

Currently soaking up the heat in Charleston, SC on a little off shoot visit from Atlanta to see Mom, we sit in a plush A/C room overlooking the historic Charleston City Market . Voices and laugher pipe up into our propped open window despite the use of air conditioning. I can’t pass up the sounds. Yesterday, we took the highway from Atlanta to Augusta, then went off the grid from Augusta to Charleston for a rural view on US Route 78. Did you know that highways have wikipedia entries? I didn’t. My wonderful husband ooed and ahhed as we stopped and started through this rural route and I flicked between Gospel, Motown and Rock ‘oldies but goodies’. Churches housed in every sort of structure were peppered in similar density to the coffee shops in Seattle. There were stretches that provided a little insight into American poverty along with boarded up motels and their empty pools, abandoned on what we assumed to be the once upon a time well traveled highway. The bigger interstates that currently suck up the juices with their multiple lanes and lack of stop lights definitely don’t provide the visual stimulation you get on a road less traveled…

On a side note – check this out.  EatWild. A site offering state to state info on pastured raised meat and dairy. I was trying to confirm the crops growing on Hwy 78, which I’m pretty sure were tobacco and in the process came across this website. Go South Carolina!

We venture out today in daylight to discover, enrich and be inspired with many breaks… As I haven’t felt this kind of heat in twenty years. Top of my list before the day’s end…. shrimp and grits. I’m open to all suggestions on the best place for this or any other tips. We’ll hit a couple museums and the beaches. I’d also like to see where people really live. Downtown historic Charleston seems very cool and I’m rearing to explore, but I haven’t seen a grocery store yet and that’s what tends to ground me in a place. Maybe it’s not just the grocery store, but I want to know where the people who actually live in a city do their daily life tasks.

Here’s a little taste of raspberry cheesecake ice cream to aid in your reprieve from the sweltering heat and humidity or just enjoy on the perpetual cool summer evenings in the Pacific Northwest !

Inspired by Kavey Eats to try a recipe using condensed milk instead of my normal custard version…

…it also provided the perfect outlet for the loads of fresh raspberries our neighbors were drowning in.

What a way to go eh?

{Print Raspberry Swirl Cheesecake Ice Cream}

I began with the raspberry coulis to swirl into the churned ice cream. I cooked about 4 cups of raspberries with 1/2 cup of sugar and a squeeze of lemon. I deseeded the coulis then added back a few fresh berries. I like a few seeds to remind me I am eating raspberries.

It mostly fit into a pint jar where it went into the fridge to chill. The little bit of  leftover found it’s placed spooned onto the first serving of raspberry cheesecake ice cream.

This simple recipe asks to allow the cream cheese to soften at  room temperature then beat until fluffy. Slowly mix in the sweetened condensed milk till smooth then add the cream, milk and vanilla. That’s it.

I’ve found ice cream to be flexible – The addition of whipping cream, half and half, whole milk, even skim milk just needs to be done in proportion for results in more or less weight and creaminess. Depends on your desired outcome. I’ve found it to be the same with the custard version using egg yolks- there is a wide variety of amounts used in recipes depending on richness

I gently mixed in the raspberry coulis and graham crackers going for a swirled effect not one big red cheesecake lookin’ ice cream.

It was beautiful. It was rich. It felt like eating frozen cheesecake… and I liked it.

Hope you are continuing to enjoy summer…

Tschüss y’all,

51 responses

  1. Looks absolutely delicious! I keep seeing all these recipes for ice cream that say, so all this and then bung it in a ice cream maker…I’ve never made ice cream before but does this just require assembling and then freezing? (I hope so….!)


    • If you have a machine it’s REALLY easy. Especially if you don’t do a custard version with egg yolks. If you don’t have a machine it just requires a little more manual labor to help it freeze nicely. You can also look for recipes without using a machine.
      So yes… bung away 🙂


  2. Makes me wish I had an icecream churn! Til I clicked on Kavey website which said you didn’t need an icecream churn because you whipped the cream! Heavens to Betsy is that true?? I’ll make it as soon as I return from the Raj!! Glad you are enjoying Charleston. Love you. Mom


  3. Raspberries, cheesecake and ice-cream all in one, with a toppling of raspberries, and a spot in the shade? Sounds like a touch of paradise Wendy. Loved your description of the sites along the road less traveled. I too love traveling that way!


    • It was soooo good… I have to admit. And my new favorite spot for pics is on the front wood step to our cabin. I love the light there.
      It’s a lot of fun to get off the highway when you have the time.


  4. I’m diggin’ the swirl. I bet that was so good! I love cheesecake, what a perfect way to bring it into summer. Hope you visit your mom again soon. PS I feel like I was sitting outside on lovely Orcas island enjoying that ice cream.


  5. Hi Wendy! Just bought fresh raspberries and strawberries in Eastsound this morning and enjoyed their simple sweetness on the drive home… I have fond memories of visiting Charleston and Savannah (over 30 years ago) in the cool of October. Ice cream looks divine… enjoy the southern cuisine!


    • Charleston was good food and good fun… I loved being surrounded by water and look forward to returning and hanging out at the beach a little more. It was of course VERY hot… so maybe we’ll try spring or fall next time 🙂


  6. Looks absolutely delicious! i dont have an icecream maker, either, but your recipe sounds easy to follow! Interesting to hear about how the placement of the highway so drastically changed a way of life, sad! Good to hear about the EatWild signage .. tiny steps to begin the path to awareness for good homegrown food!


    • It was really something to drive down that highway. It took a few minutes before we realized how it came to be. Was Sad.
      Coming across that EatWild site was great and I plan on checking it out a little more. I’d love to take a farm tour in the south.


    • Thank you.
      It was a lovely amble indeed… We did historic Charleston then a little north and south to the beaches. On the way back to Atlanta we took the scenic route to Savannah first… which definitely deserves a proper visit. Next time.


  7. I totally agree about the grocery store: where do they shop, what do they buy, how do they eat? And I love those little facts about a place and it is what keeps us going too when we travel. What a great trip! And this ice cream is fabulous! Wow!


    • We found real life more on the outside of downtown Charleston…. but really we’d love to go back and explore a little more. There were some very cool residential areas downtown though but still didn’t see the grocery store! 3 days was enough for a little overview and a “yes, we’d like to come back…. in spring or fall”. It was of course HOT. But a swim in the ocean at Folly Beach helped tremendously.


  8. Love the idea of combining cream cheese with a condensed milk, cream and milk base to give that flavour and texture of cheese cake. The graham crackers and raspberry coulis sound wonderful. Thanks so much for entering BSFIC!


    • It was rich.. there’s no denying. But with the right amount of churning and letting it sit out a few minutes to soften… heavenly dense, indulgent and satisfying. A real summer treat. Geez… you’d think I was getting paid for this!


  9. Hi Wendy, I know you are having a great time in Charleston. My husband and I stayed twice on our road trip to and from Florida. I did a post in January and again in February that you might like to read if you are still there. We had some great food but I didn’t have shrimp and grits until I was in Florida.


  10. Wendy, this is so good .. and mouthwatering. Just would I could eat just now – so warm and humid here in Sweden, So this will go on file – thanks for giving this to me. Will do it before the summer is over.


    • Warm and humid don’t come to mind when I think of Sweden.. you sure about that? We are just back from Atlanta… which was hot and humid with CAPITAL H’s!!! But loads of fun.
      Hope you get a chance to churn some ice cream.


      • Yes, has been so hot and humid since I arrived and the nights have been sticky. Today we got a nice rain drizzle. Never been to Atlanta, but supposed to be a great city. Great to have you back.


  11. Pingback: Bloggers Scream For Ice Cream: July Roundup » Kavey Eats

  12. I am so glad that I don’t own an ice cream maker! I would never lose weight when I could make something so delicious like this. I would love to taste this beautiful creation.


    • Please read last reply. This blog has not helped me stay trim. But has been very rewarding in other ways. We had some excellent shrimp and grits, fried pickles and cornbread (because that is the way to stay slim…) in Charleston. I wish I had revisited your blog on our visit… Next time!

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Pingback: Variety at the Crossroads « Queen's end

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