Blog love and no blackberry crisp … 7×7 Link, Liebster and Kreativ Blogger

Blog love and no blackberry crisp … 7×7 Link, Liebster and Kreativ Blogger

Spring is here and love is in the air. It’s been a real learning curve since 11/11/11  when I started writing and cooking in public… well if family and your five closest friends count as public. It has been at times frustrating, exciting, exhausting, and has provided an enormous amount of satisfaction, learning and new virtual friendships. I’ve also been inspired to sign up for a food writing and photography workshop in Somerset next month and could not be more excited about it.

I had already found myself in a lovely little niche, enjoying seeing my new blogging friends posts and comments we passed around. Then the surprise of getting freshly pressed led to the joy of encountering many new faces, flavicons and gravitars 🙂 It’s very interesting to see how humans gravitate to one another even online. Small communities begin to form and you see how people with, I can only imagine, similar styles and maybe personalities begin to merge… you start seeing the same ‘likes’ across your favorites blogs. I had no idea how satisfying it would be. Even when you think what a microscopic droplet each little blog is in this new vast ocean of blogging, it is a view into each other’s lives. The fact we are intersecting across the world is phenomenal. It’s really very cool.

And then there are these sweet awards that cross your horizon, ok screen. And you feel like people really are taking notice and like what you are putting out to the world. We all like to be acknowledged. I still can’t figure out who actually started them but it is such a wholistic way to generate traffic and support one another. Three cheers and Thanks to everyone!

7x7 Link Award

First a thank you to Assia living in Singapore @ Assia’s Kaleidescope for the 7×7 Link Award. Assia has wonderful recipes, photos and a flare for creating the most interesting combinations. Here are the guidelines in accepting this: Thank the blogger who graced this award upon you and link to their blog. List 7 random facts about yourself. List 7 of my posts in 7 categories. Nominate 7 more bloggers.


Seven random facts:

1. I’m pretty outgoing and chatty but sometimes clam up at parties and tend to hang out near the food and in the kitchen doing dishes.
2. I can never decide if I’m a city or country girl. I love both.
3. I’ve killed my own chickens and cooked them. I learned it takes courage, practice and patience.
4. I can milk a goat and make cheese.
5. I am not a very good team player.
6. I’m silently competitive (or maybe not so silent at times)
7. I’m a compulsive flosser.
My 7 post categories:
1. Most Beautiful: Cinnamon and ginger macarons
4. Most Controversial: Iron Maiden… only for those who hate ironing.
5. Most Surprisingly Successful: Macaron bloopers
6. Most Underrated: Glazed duck dinner
7. Most Prideworthy: For the love of Kale… I loved making the slideshow 🙂
My 7 nominations for the 7×7 link Award:
1. Whisks and Chopsticks– vast array of tasty recipes
2. This is Rock Salt – I’m loving her Bread series.
3. Peach Farm Studio – Another dose of daily inspiration, lovely photos and creativity.
4.Stepping My Way to Bliss – My buddy…. Great site, style and human being.
5. Creative Noshing – Another virtual friend that I’m happy to follow. Recipes mixed with thoughts on life that always come just at that right moment.
6. Kitty’s Dolceforno aka iworshipfood is one cool chick with great ideas and photos.
7.Lost in Relocation – A newer site to me, I really enjoy reading Kathyrn’s stories about living in Japan. She’s honest, funny and able to create a picture as you read.

Liebster Blog Award

The Liebster Award was passed on to me from Kiki in Germany @ Dinner for none and  Lucy in Ireland @ Decidedly Delicious. A big thank you to you both. I’m thoroughly enjoying all your posts, humor and a glimpse into your worlds.The origins of the Liebster Blog award are also unclear but general consensus says it originated in Germany. Works for me…”Liebster” meaning favorite or dearest, is to feature bloggers with fewer than 200 followers. In acceptance of the award the recipient must in return pass it on to five more blogs of choice.

My  5 nominations for the Liebster Blog:

1.travelingfoodies – Hello macarons and gorgeous desserts!

2. Martiink – New friend, designer and writer, who I’m excited to learn more about.

3. A Small Prayer –  Another new one to me, a woman from Pakistan, whose posts I find very interesting. It allows me a peek into a completely different world.

4.My Guilty Pleasures – Dear Viveka, a kindred spirit, whom I’ve never met, manages a Swenglish voice like no other. She shares a life of amazing experiences. One day in person. ja?

5. A Suburban Life – A newer blog in my world. I like her stories and want to see more… hint hint.

Kreativ Blogger Award

And then comes the Kreativ Blog Award. Thank you to a new friend and author, Jan @ JanDeelstraI, who’s blog on Gestalt brings a necessary balance to life. It’s important for me to take time to be a witness to life and not be caught up in the ups and downs of emotions. I got this far with some info from blogger SimonL., on the origin of this award. Appears to be a Norwegian blogger who originally created it, but with a different logo. Simon has his own take on it which is also interesting. But I’ll stick with the traditional rules:  Thank the nominating blogger and provide a link to that blog. Share the joy with seven other bloggers, include their links and notify them. Tell you seven interesting things about myself.

Seven more interesting (or not) things about moi:

1. I think I might be spending far too much time in front of a screen (this post took almost an entire day)

2. I could spend even more time on this blog, sprucing up and at least organizing my recipes and categories… someday soon.

3. As I’ve gotten older I seem to love puppies more than babies. (still love them too though 🙂 )

4. I cross the Atlantic about 6-8 times a year which I thought was cooler when it was just a fantasy.

5. I’m a chronic nibbler.

6. My safe place is on my back floating in the ocean in pure silence.

7. I almost love cooking and serving people more than feeding myself. A cross between ego and nurture.

My 7 nominations for the Kreativ Blogger Award:

1.Big Hungry Gnomes – Fiona had me at Hand decorated Eggs and her brushed embroidery fondant.

2.Dinner for (N)one – I’m linking you straight to Kiki’s gorgeous goat cheese tarts but check out the rest too. A humble gal with great recipes and ideas. AND bonus… she is in Germany.

3. Sixty%Baking – Kitt has cooking, crafts AND some great DIY projects.

4. Acorn in my Kitchen– I love the diversity and interesting recipes.
5. Biscuits and Bobbins – A fantastic array of recipes, photos and sewing. I just hope she will remember me when she’s a famous blogger.
6. Sweet Peas Kitchen – Newer in my world, a great recipe resource for  the 2 and 4 legged. Great photos.
7. Tuxedo Sophisticated Cat – A site that brightens my day and inspires me on a daily basis. Thank you!
Phew… that was a lot of fun! Now it’s time for a walk before I push publish….
I’m back. Nice walk at the river and a matjes brötchen to clear my head.
To address the ‘and no blackberry crisp’ ….I bought one large bag of frozen blackberries that practically jumped on it’s own volition, into my cart today. I thought I couldn’t send a post out without some little morsel. Hence, dinner is upon us and I’ve no natural light remaining. Coming in the near future… Atlanta, blackberry crisp and tarragon chicken salad.

31 responses

  1. Totally impressive progress in the blogosphere at warp speed. For sure, you get Dad’s triple WOW award … WOW, WOW, WOW! Keep that kitchen warm, the camera handy and those little fingers hitting that keyboard! Love you… XXOO


  2. I am trying to comment…let’s see/hope it works because I need to THANK YOU for heaven’s sake. You are too, too kind for nominating. I have both enjoyed getting to know you and reading your blog. I am totally envious of your culinary know how and that you live in Europe–but I still like you. : ) OK…going to hit the post comment button now…..~~Bliss


  3. It doesn’t surprise me! Photography, voice, content, it’s all there, it feels like you are right there telling me about it. and thank you so much for the shout-out, not sure I’m worthy, but I sure am flattered! Congrats to you on the recognitions. So glad to have met you though your blog! PS. The Sommerset weekend sounds awesome!


    • Thank you. I’m really getting a lot of satisfaction from it and it’s been so fun getting to ‘meet’ new people. What an interesting medium. I’ll let you know more about the Somerset weekend.


    • Thanks and you are welcome. I think that was a new one for you. yes? Or was it hiding somewhere. Thank you for your great posts- I love them… short, sweet,creative, colorful, yummy, inspiring all rolled together. Do you guys have a storefront?


      • You are welcome and thank you again. Our blog is a good reflection of what goes on inside and outside the studio. Food, music, plants, excursions and tea might at first seem a bit scattered, but truly everything relates to everything else with Peach Farm Studio being common denominator and photography, poetry and letterpress our byproducts. We have a small design studio, a print studio and a small office, but no store front. We will be taking letterpress out of the studio this summer and fall to to do live letterpress demonstrations at events, so watch our blog for some colorful reports from the road beginning next month. 😀


  4. Pingback: Another Award & Life’s Little Coincidences « Dinner for (n)one

  5. Pingback: 7 x 7 Link Award « Rock Salt

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